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Nola Reed Knouse

Nola Reed Knouse

As Oft As We Expect The Favor

So Oft Wir In Erwartung..

Escellent for any SundayFrom our Moravian Music Foundation series

Escellent for any SundayFrom our Moravian Music Foundation series

  • disponible en 3-4 semanas
2,99 €
disponible en 3-4 semanas
Nº de pedido: 08763778

Nola Reed Knouse

Great Sabbath Hymn

For your Sabbath concertFrom our Moravian Music Foundation series

For your Sabbath concertFrom our Moravian Music Foundation series

  • disponible en 3-4 semanas
2,99 €
disponible en 3-4 semanas
Nº de pedido: 08763799

Nola Reed Knouse

Lift Your Hearts, Rejoicing

Freuet Euch Und Seyd Frohlich

A beautiful octavo for the Advent season in the traditional Moravian style

A beautiful octavo for the Advent season in the traditional Moravian style

  • disponible en 3-4 semanas
3,50 €
disponible en 3-4 semanas
Nº de pedido: 08763836

Nola Reed Knouse

Lift Up Your Hearts, Rejoicing

Instrumental Accompaniment Set

Includes: 2 Clarinets, Bassoon, 2 Horns, Strings, and Organ

Includes: 2 Clarinets, Bassoon, 2 Horns, Strings, and Organ

  • disponible en 3-4 semanas
42,50 €
disponible en 3-4 semanas
Nº de pedido: 08763837

Johann Ludwig Freydt

Now Rests He and Is Comforted

Exodus 16:23, 31:17

A part of our Moravian Music Foundation series, this fine edition by Dr. Nola Knouse embodies the tradition of the 'Great Sabbath and Holy Saturday to other traditions.

A part of our Moravian Music Foundation series, this fine edition by Dr. Nola Knouse embodies the tradition of the 'Great Sabbath and Holy Saturday to other traditions.

  • disponible en 3-4 semanas
2,99 €
disponible en 3-4 semanas
Nº de pedido: 08763840

Johann Ludwig Freydt

Now Rests He and Is Comforted - Instr.

Instrumental Accompaniment Set

Includes: Violin 1 and 2, Viola, Cello, and Figured Bass

Includes: Violin 1 and 2, Viola, Cello, and Figured Bass

  • disponible en 3-4 semanas
42,50 €
disponible en 3-4 semanas
Nº de pedido: 08763841

Nola Reed Knouse

None Among Us Lives To Self

Unser Keiner Lebt Ihm Selber)

Romans 14:7-8-set by Johannes Herbst, edited by Dr. Nola Knouse for the Moravian Music Foundation series

Romans 14:7-8-set by Johannes Herbst, edited by Dr. Nola Knouse for the Moravian Music Foundation series

  • disponible en 3-4 semanas
3,50 €
disponible en 3-4 semanas
Nº de pedido: 08764019

Nola Reed Knouse

None Among Us Lives To Self (Unser Keiner)

Instrumental Accompaniment Set

Instrumentation: Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Cello, and Full Score

Instrumentation: Violin I, Violin II, Viola, Cello, and Full Score

  • disponible en 3-4 semanas
31,50 €
disponible en 3-4 semanas
Nº de pedido: 08764020