Partituras de My Way
Walt Disney Pictures' Brother Bear follows the incredible adventures of a young man named Kenai who is transformed into a bear. Featuring performances by Phil Collins, Tina Turner and the Blind Boys o...
Walt Disney Pictures' Brother Bear follows the incredible adventures of a young man named Kenai who is transformed into a bear. Featuring performances by Phil Collins, Tina Turner and the Blind Boys o...
- disponible en 3-4 semanas
Porgy And Bess
The classic Ed Lojeski choral setting of Gershwin's famous Porgy and Bess is once again available.
The classic Ed Lojeski choral setting of Gershwin's famous Porgy and Bess is once again available.
- disponible en 3-6 días laborables
Celebrate the history of Broadway and our great heritage of musical theater in this marvelous choral medley by Mac Huff. From the music of Tin Pan Alley to state-of-the-art contemporary Broadway, you'...
Celebrate the history of Broadway and our great heritage of musical theater in this marvelous choral medley by Mac Huff. From the music of Tin Pan Alley to state-of-the-art contemporary Broadway, you'...
- disponible en 3-4 semanas
Celebrate the history of Broadway and our great heritage of musical theater in this marvelous choral medley by Mac Huff. From the music of Tin Pan Alley to state-of-the-art contemporary Broadway, you'...
Celebrate the history of Broadway and our great heritage of musical theater in this marvelous choral medley by Mac Huff. From the music of Tin Pan Alley to state-of-the-art contemporary Broadway, you'...
- disponible en 3-6 días laborables
Showtrax CD. Based on the inspiring rags-to-riches story of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons, this show won the 2006 Tony Award for Best Musical.
Showtrax CD. Based on the inspiring rags-to-riches story of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons, this show won the 2006 Tony Award for Best Musical.
- disponible en 3-4 semanas
Alan Billingsley, John Jacobson
Choose Your Partner
(A Collection Of Partner Songs For Young Singers)
Partner a fresh new original song with an old favorite...add choreography by John Jacobson and you've got an exciting new collection to introduce 2-part singing to your elementary students. Learn each...
Partner a fresh new original song with an old favorite...add choreography by John Jacobson and you've got an exciting new collection to introduce 2-part singing to your elementary students. Learn each...
- disponible en 3-4 semanas
CD mit Aufnahmen aller 14 Songs und New Gospels aus dem gleichnamigen Heft mit dem Vokal-Ensemble 'WHAT 4'.
CD mit Aufnahmen aller 14 Songs und New Gospels aus dem gleichnamigen Heft mit dem Vokal-Ensemble 'WHAT 4'.
- disponible en 4-8 días laborables
Der Song My Way bzw. So leb' dein Leben ( Comme d'Habitude im Original), arrangiert für Frauenchor SSA a cappella. Deutscher Text, mit Akkordsymbolen.
Der Song My Way bzw. So leb' dein Leben ( Comme d'Habitude im Original), arrangiert für Frauenchor SSA a cappella. Deutscher Text, mit Akkordsymbolen.
- disponible en 3-6 días laborables
Whether you are looking for blue ribbons or for adventure and romance, this Rodgers & Hammerstein classic delivers! A slice of Americana straight from the heartland, State Fair is now available for yo...
Whether you are looking for blue ribbons or for adventure and romance, this Rodgers & Hammerstein classic delivers! A slice of Americana straight from the heartland, State Fair is now available for yo...
- disponible en 3-4 semanas