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Partituras para quinteto de viento

Endre Szervansky

Wind Quintet

First published in 1957, this work has been reprinted multiple times and appears now as both a full score as well as the individual parts that comprise it. Endre Szervanszky (1911-1977) created this w...

First published in 1957, this work has been reprinted multiple times and appears now as both a full score as well as the individual parts that comprise it. Endre Szervanszky (1911-1977) created this w...

  • disponible en 3-4 semanas
42,50 €
disponible en 3-4 semanas
Nº de pedido: EMB14152

Georg Friedrich Händel

Largo from Xerxes

Variable wind quintet

Ombra mai fù is one of the most famous arias from Serse ; it is also known as Handel's Largo (celebrated for its wonderful tune). The aria is sung by Serse, who talks of his love for the beautiful tre...

Ombra mai fù is one of the most famous arias from Serse ; it is also known as Handel's Largo (celebrated for its wonderful tune). The aria is sung by Serse, who talks of his love for the beautiful tre...

  • disponible en 3-6 días laborables
22,99 €
disponible en 3-6 días laborables
Nº de pedido: DHP1074224-070

Bette Middler

The Rose

for Woodwind Quintet

  • disponible en 3-4 semanas
28,60 €
disponible en 3-4 semanas
Nº de pedido: GRM9003073

These arrangements are suitable for almost any combination of brass and/or woodwind instruments.

These arrangements are suitable for almost any combination of brass and/or woodwind instruments.

  • disponible en 3-4 semanas
26,45 €
disponible en 3-4 semanas
Nº de pedido: BWP1811

Instrumental-Stück der Gruppe Haindling für 5-7-stimmiges Bläserensemble mit Schlagzeug ad lib.

Instrumental-Stück der Gruppe Haindling für 5-7-stimmiges Bläserensemble mit Schlagzeug ad lib.

  • en stock
    plazo de entrega 1-3 días laborables
29,90 €
en stock | plazo de entrega 1-3 días laborables
Nº de pedido: GEIGER149BG

Feierliche Bläserklänge

11 festliche Werke für Hochzeiten und andere Anlässe

A collection of classical works for various occasions including birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and funerals, arranged by Markus Schenk especially for this edition. These works are distinguished by...

A collection of classical works for various occasions including birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and funerals, arranged by Markus Schenk especially for this edition. These works are distinguished by...

  • disponible en 3-6 días laborables
52,50 €
disponible en 3-6 días laborables
Nº de pedido: DHP1145595-070
  • en stock
    plazo de entrega 1-3 días laborables
36,80 €
en stock | plazo de entrega 1-3 días laborables
Nº de pedido: 90-2427-250

Helga Warner-Buhlmann

Fun 4 Five Band 1

for Wind Quintet

Leichte Bläserquintette für den Anfang sind absolute Mangelware. Um dem abzuhelfen, hat Helga Warner-Buhlmann einige Ihrer erfolgreichen Titel für diese Besetzung umgeschrieben.

Leichte Bläserquintette für den Anfang sind absolute Mangelware. Um dem abzuhelfen, hat Helga Warner-Buhlmann einige Ihrer erfolgreichen Titel für diese Besetzung umgeschrieben.

  • en stock
    plazo de entrega 1-3 días laborables
24,00 €
en stock | plazo de entrega 1-3 días laborables
Nº de pedido: ACC1488

Karl Jenkins

The Adiemus Collection

Wind Quintet

6 characteristic pieces from the international best-selling Adiemus project (15 gold and platinum awards) expertly arranged by Tony Small for brass quintet. The music is in Jenkins's trademark style f...

6 characteristic pieces from the international best-selling Adiemus project (15 gold and platinum awards) expertly arranged by Tony Small for brass quintet. The music is in Jenkins's trademark style f...

  • en stock
    plazo de entrega 1-3 días laborables
45,00 €
en stock | plazo de entrega 1-3 días laborables
Nº de pedido: BH3200001

Peter Müller

Quintet No. 1



  • Musica Rara
  • en stock
    plazo de entrega 1-3 días laborables
21,50 €
en stock | plazo de entrega 1-3 días laborables
Nº de pedido: EBMR1058

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